Mountains of Madness | Through the Desert | Nut So Fast

Mountains of Madness | Through the Desert | Nut So Fast

The panel unearths three more games in this week’s episode…

Can our team of driven academics keep it together as they ascend the desolate peaks of the Mountains of Madness?
Then, we stake our claims across the dusty dunes as we lead our camel caravans… Through the Desert.
And finally, we race each other to grab a cashew in Nut So Fast!

Qwixx | Tigris & Euphrates | Dungeon Roll

Qwixx | Tigris & Euphrates | Dungeon Roll

First up: There’s no looking back as we lock each other out . . . in the numbers game Qwixx!
Then: We try to live in peace — or conquer our neighbors — as we build our kingdoms along the twin rivers in Tigris & Euphrates.
And lastly, our heroes try to grab the loot right out of the treasure box while avoiding the dragon in the Dungeon Roll.